2005年應溫哥華教區主教的邀請,修會派陳耀漢兄弟服務溫哥華聖方濟華人聖堂,後又派秦瑛神父協助陳耀漢神父。2006年李志雄神父亦被派往聖方濟華人聖堂服務。服務一年後,李志雄神父於2007年8月被派往多倫多中華殉道聖人堂服務。2014年陳耀漢神父當選為耀漢會總會長,返回臺灣總會工作。秦瑛神父調任多倫多中華殉道聖人堂任副主任司鐸。同年,李志雄神父和黃公宇神父調任溫哥華聖方濟堂。李志雄神父任主任司鐸,黃公宇神父任助理司鐸協助李志雄神父。2015 年修會在溫哥華買會院,期後更從菲律賓調派越南籍斐理兄弟、猶大兄弟與多默兄弟來溫哥華讀神學。

The Development History of Little Brothers of Congregation of St. John the Baptist in Canada
Vancouver St. Francis Xavier Chinese Church
In 2005, at the invitation of the bishop of the Diocese of Vancouver, the congregation sent Brother Chen Yaohan to serve at the St. Francis Xavier Chinese Church in Vancouver, and then sent Father Dominic Qin Ying to assist Father Chen Yaohan. In 2006, Father Joseph Ly Zhixiong was also sent to serve in the St. Francis Xavier Chinese Church. After one year of service, Father Joseph Ly Zhixiong was sent to serve at the Church of the Chinese Martyrs Catholic Church in Toronto in August 2007 . In 2014, Father Chen Yaohan was elected as the President of the Little Brothers of Congregation of St. John the Baptist and returned to work for the congregation in Taiwan. Father Dominic Qin Ying was transferred to the Toronto Chinese Martyrs Catholic Church as the Deputy Director Priest. In the same year, Father Joseph Li Zhixiong and Father Dominic Hoang Gongyu were transferred to St. Francis Xavier Church in Vancouver. Father Joseph Li Zhixiong becomes the pastor of the church and Father Dominic Hoang Gongyu is the assistant pastor. In 2015, the congregation bought a house in Vancouver as their semianry. Later that year, two Vietnamese brothers Judas and Thomas were dispatched from the Philippines to study theology in Vancouver.