雷鳴遠神父靈修 一 全真常
雷神父定會名字為耀漢小兄弟會,奉洗者聖若翰為主保 (S. Joannes-Baprista), 以效法耶穌基督前驅的剛毅奮勇的拓荒精神,取其“苦修“生活方式,並從事“為主鋪路“的工作,並以“強者得之“為會的標誌。將修會主保若翰改為“耀漢“ 以示光耀中華之意,以復興中華民族為已任。要求小兄弟應具有高尚志氣,具備慷慨,徹底和時代的精神。宗旨是“苦修成聖,以便榮主救人“,依聖本篤的精神以“在家苦修,出外傳教“的生活方式度默觀祈禱及傳教的生活。終身戒煙酒,在會內常年守齋。
Principles of Father Vincent Lebbe
Each religious group has its own set of spiritual theories that guide the spiritual life of the group. These spiritual theories are often derived from the spiritual experience of the religious ancestors. The spirit of spiritual cultivation that is usually displayed in the ancestors of the monastery has been developed into a set of spiritual cultivation theories through the experience and arrangement of the monastic life. Father Vincent Lebbe, as the founder for the Patron of the Congregation, St. John the Baptist, his total sacrifice, true love for people and constant joy. It can be said that it constitutes the spiritual theory of today’s St. John the Baptist Brotherhood. It can also be called Fr. Vincent Lebbe spiritual practice.
Father Vincent Lebbe will be named the Little Brothers of Congregation of St. John the Baptist, with St. John the Baptist as the patron (S. Joannes-Baprista), imitating the pioneering spirit of fortitude and bravery of the forerunners of Jesus Christ, and taking his “ascetic” way of life. He engaged in the work of “paving the way for the Lord”, is “The violent take it by force” as the symbol of the congregation. He Changed the patriarch of the congregation, John, to “Yaohan” “耀漢” to show the meaning of shining China, and to revive the Chinese nation as his mission. The little brother is required to have noble aspirations, with generosity, thoroughness and the spirit of the times. The purpose is “to be sanctified by ascetic practice, so that the Lord will be honored and save people from sin”, and according to the spirit of St. Benedict, he spends his life of contemplation, prayer and missionary life with the lifestyle of “ascetic practice at home and missionary abroad”. Quit smoking and alcohol for life, and fast in the monastery all year round.
Total sacrifice, truly love others, eternal happiness(全真常) is often a process of passover. Through his sacrifice, Jesus Christ completely fulfilled his innate will, and expressed his thorough love for people, a love to the extreme, in which he was resurrected of joy. This is the whole process of being a sacrifice, a true lover and a constant joy. Every Christian has to go through this kind of passover. The transcendence of Father Vincent Lebbe is often the process of the Passover of Christ. It is a spiritual method for man to rise to God, which leads him to participate in the Paschal mystery of Christ. Amen