耀漢小兄弟會之會徽 C.S.J.B.
一. 㑹徽由會祖雷鳴遠神父親手制定。
二. 會徽格言「強者得之」拉丁文:Violenti Rapiunt Tlud, 源 自 主耶穌對於 吾修 會主保聖耀漢之讚譽:自洗者耀漢起天 國以猛力奪取,而強者得之。
三. 會徽外形盾牌象徵信德之堅定。
四. 蜜蜂象徵勤勉無私,「做蜜蜂不要做蒼蠅兄弟」(雷達神父 遺訓)
五. 吾會主保聖耀漢在曠野只食蝗蟲與蜜蜂。會徽上的蜜蜂與蝗 蟲喻意艱苦 卓絕之精神。
六. 綠色十字架,會祖當年意喻雖然修會剛剛萌芽,卻必定如這 世上的綠色生命,生生不息。
七. 底之白色,四邊黄色,源自教宗旗之黃白兩色,以示吾修會 誠於教宗。
The INSIGNIA for the Little Brothers of the Congregation of St. John the Baptist:
1. The insignia was designed by hand by the Founder Fr. Vincent Lebbe.
2. The motto of the insignia in Latin is Violenti Rapiunt Illud, meaning The violent take it by force. The origin of the motto came from the high esteem of the Founder for the Patron of the Congregation, St. John the Baptist: From the time of the Baptist, the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force.
3. The shape of the insignia in the form of a shield symbolizes the stability of faith.
4. Bees symbolize selfless diligence.
5. The Patron of our Congregation ate only locusts and honey in the desert. Bees and honey in the insignia therefore convey an outstanding spirit of hard work.
6. At the time of the Founder, the green cross signified that although the Congregation was just budding, it would certainly be endless – just like green life on earth.
7. The background in white with four sides in yellow took inspiration from a papal flag in white and yellow in order to show the loyalty of the Congregation to the Pope.