會祖雷鳴遠神父於11 歲時因閱讀聖董文學在中國殉道傳,深受感觸,立志長大後去中國傳教。1901 年抵達中國傳教,同年10月28日在北京被祝聖為司鐸,之後被派往京東一帶傳教。因看到當時中國殖民地的情形,便提出中國歸中國人,中國人歸基督,並開始推動中國教會本地化。1926 年 10月28日 教宗庇約十一在梵蒂岡聖伯多祿大殿祝聖了六位中國主教。中國教務展現了嶄新而活潑的面貌。這時安國教區孫德楨主教邀請雷鳴遠神父返回中國服務。雷鳴遠神父1927 年返回中國,並加入中國籍,服務於安國教區。
1928 年,安國教區全體司鐸座談會上,有人提議成立一座以教授教理為主的團體,來擔任各堂區的教理講授工作。孫主教則委託雷鳴遠神父主持其事。雷神父主張這個傳教體必須是矢發三願的正式修會。
雷神父則在安國縣買地興建修會院。並蒙當時北平教友鄧樹庭先生捐助四百銀元,為建立修會會院。1928 年 12月初,新會院落成,雷神父為新會院取名“眞福院“。新建真福院完工後,雷神父,望會生均遷入新房居住。12月16日首批兄弟舉行穿會衣禮,開始初學生活,由孫德楨主教親臨會院主持,並降福祝聖新會院,舉行簡單的會院落成典禮。在典禮中,雷神父正式宣布:這一天修會定名為耀漢小兄弟會,奉洗者聖若翰為主保,以效法耶穌基督前驅的剛毅奮勇的拓荒精神。

The History of the Little Brothers of the Congregation of St. John the Baptist
Founder Father Vincent Lebbe at the age of 11, he read the Sheng Dong’s literature written by St. Jean-Gabriel Perboyre, a missionary Lazarist martyred in China in 1940. He was deeply touched and determined to go to China to preach when he grew up. He arrived China to preach in 1901, was ordained as a priest in Beijing on October 28 of the same year, and was sent to preach in the Jingdong area. Seeing the situation of the Chinese colonies at that time, he proposed that China belongs to the Chinese, and the Chinese belong to Christ, and began to promote the localization of the Chinese church. On October 28, 1926, Pope Pius XI ordained six Chinese bishops in the Vatican’s St. Peter’s Basilica. China’s academic affairs show a new and lively look. At this time, Bishop Sun Dezhen of the Dioecesis Ngancuovensis invited Father Vincent Lebbe to return to serve in China. Father Vincent Lebbe returned to China in 1927 and became a Chinese citizen to serve in the Dioecesis Ngancuovensis.
In 1928, at the symposium of all the priests of Dioecesis Ngancuovensis, it was proposed to set up a group mainly devoted to teaching catechism to serve as catechism in the parishes. Bishop Sun entrusted Father Vincent Lebbe to preside over it. Fr Lebbe insisted that this missionary body must be the official 矢發三願的正式修會.
Father Lebbe bought land in 安國縣 to build a seminary. He also received four hundred silver dollars from his friend, Mr Tang Shuting, a fellow parishioner at that time, for the establishment of a religious institute. In early December 1928, the seminary was completed, and Father Lebbe named the new seminary Beatitude House “眞福院“. After the completion of the new seminary, Father Lebbe and his students all moved into the new house. On December 16th, the first batch of brothers held a ceremony of wearing the congregation clothes and began their first-year of seminarian life. Bishop Sun Dezhen presided over the congregation in person, and blessed the new congregation, and held a simple inauguration ceremony of the congregation. During the ceremony, Father Vincent Lebbe officially announced that on this day, the congregation will be named the Little Brothers of St. John the Baptist and honor St. John the Baptist will be the guardian to imitate the resolute and courageous pioneering spirit of the former forefront of Jesus Christ.