2012年修會開始建校工程先建三十四間教室為教學行政及學生住宿。總建築費估計新台幣8千萬元。開設一所農業科技學校,此學校命名為天主教鳴遠學院。此學院與台灣國立中興大學,明道大學,嶺東大學簽署教學交流活動,以便將來 在鳴遠學院畢業的學生送到台灣來深造。此學院於2013年開始,先設立農經系,後來將陸續設立畜牧科學系,農藝科學系等。2014年修會舉行了10年校慶典修會在菲律賓服務十周年的盛大活動目前鳴遠學院開設分為幼稚園、中學部和大學部。2018年5月首屆鳴遠學院學生畢業。

In 2012, the seminary began to build the school and built 34 classrooms to use for teaching administration and student accommodation. The total construction cost is estimated to be $80 million Taiwan dollars. Later it opened an agricultural science and technology school, which was named Catholic Mingyuan College. This college has signed teaching exchange activities with Taiwan National Chung Hsing University, Ming Dao University, and Lingdong University, so that students who graduate from Mingyuan College can be sent to Taiwan for further study. The college started in 2013 with the establishment of the Department of Agriculture and Economics, followed by the Department of Animal Husbandry Science and the Department of Agronomic Science. In 2014, the institute held a 10-year school celebration. The tenth anniversary of the institute’s service in the Philippines was a grand event. At present, Mingyuan College is divided into kindergarten, middle school and university. In May 2018, the first class of Ming Yuan College students graduated.